Watercolor Affirmation Cards

Working with positive affirmations can help to quiet negative self talk and bring positive energy into your life. This activity is a creative ritual meant to uplift and inspire you to transform your inner critic and shift your focus to a more kind and nurturing mindset. Display your cards on your altar or around your home as a gentle reminder to think happy thoughts!


Supplies Needed

  • Watercolor paper

  • Watercolor paint and brushes

Additional Tools

  • Scissors

  • Cup of water




Step One

The first step is to paint a wash of watercolor over your entire page. I do this by first covering the paper in plain water, then adding in color. The wet watercolor paper will help to distribute the paint and create the 'wash' effect. You can use your brush to blend in different colors. Once you've covered your entire page, let it dry completely.

Step Two

Once dry, cut your watercolor page into small cards. I cut mine to be 3" x 4".

Step Three

Next choose your affirmations! An affirmation is a positive statement that something is already happening. I came up with a bunch of different phrases that were meaningful to me. Once you've chosen a word or phrase, write it on a card. I used black watercolor to paint my affirmations directly on the card, so I made sure to practice using my brush in my sketchbook before painting each card. You could also use a pen or ink to write on your cards. Whatever you are most comfortable with!

Step Four

Paint complimentary doodles or symbols on each card to make each affirmation truly unique and personal for you (optional).
