Psychic Sunshine - Candle Matches


Infuse your surroundings with the vibrant energy of Psychic Sunshine - Candle Matches, adorned with an artful scene that encapsulates the essence of clarity and insight. Envision a radiant eye shining like the sun, surrounded by a wreath of fluffy clouds, marigold flowers, glistening blue gemstones, delicate ferns, and waves of fresh water. This captivating artwork invites positivity and mental clarity into your space. The matchbox is made with reusable cardboard, adorned with full-color artwork and white magical line art. Each box includes approximately 60 match sticks with pink, purple, and blue tips, measuring 4" long. Elevate your ritual with these charming matches, perfect for complementing your favorite Rachel Beyer candle!

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Psychic Sunshine - Citrus & Woodsy - Aromatherapy Candle


  • Approx. 60 safety matches with pink, purple, and blue tips.

  • Matchbox size: 4-5/16" x 2-5/8" x 13/16".

  • Matchstick size: 4”.

  • Full-color, reusable cardboard box.

Let the radiance of Psychic Sunshine - Candle Matches brighten your path to clarity and inspiration.

Read shop policies and F.A.Q. Available for wholesale.

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